Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesdays With Morrie Review

Here is the link to the review:
Stephanie Bowen says "Morrie speaks to every person because he is every person. He had led a simple yet meaniningful life that inspires you to live yours to the fullest. Perhaps his story is more powerful because you're not only taking in his wisdom, but you are experiencing his death." I personally loved this book and I completely agree with this statement. Morrie is a regular human being, who was very wise and helpful. He was also very optimistic, even through his terrible situation. He was a regular person. the only diffrence was that he has a very diffrent outlook on life then most people. He also had a similiar life style to most people,"simple yet meaningful" as the Bowen says it is, but he was opptimistic through everything. I also agree with what she said about the book being so powerful because you didn't only learn Morrie's wisdom, you also experienced his death. In addition to this statement, I think it makes it as powerful as it is because of the way he handles his body's deterioration and knowing that he was dying very quickly. Most people, when they heard they had ALS, the disease Morrie had, would have given up on life, but Morrie kept going. I think that is what the book so powerful and his optimism.