Monday, October 11, 2010

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

This was the final book in the Hunger Games trilogy. I absolutely loved the first one, thought the second one was okay, and also the third one was okay. For the last two, it seemed like things were just being done to be done, not really a purpose. A lot of violence and other things happened in this book. I think the series should have stopped after one book because the other two did not live up to the first one at all. At times, it was pretty easy to read, I didn't want to put it down, but the majority of this book was not like that. One part I was very confused with was when the new President (the old, mean one) was arrested, the old victors were deciding if they should have another hunger games with the children of the main, evil city , the Capitol. Some of the old winners agreed to do it! I completely do not understand why they would ever do it! Why would they want to put children through the horrors they went through?! Even the main character, Katniss, agreed to it even though she said all the time how horrible it was and how much negativity and problems it put into her life! I was soo confused!! Overall, this book was just okay. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.