Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom

I just finished this book and absolutely loved it!!!! This is also my second memoir that I have finished in a row. I realized that I really like depressing memoirs. This book was one of the best I've ever read. After reading this book, I have a new outlook on life. Morrie is incredibly sick and dying very quickly, but he makes the best out of his illness and keeps moving forward and sharing his wisdom. Most people would give up on life once they found out they were going to die and had a specific amount of time left with the people they loved, but not Morrie. He is rapidly losing control over his body, but instead of giving up keeps on going. Mitch Albom reconnects with his beloved professor, Morrie, after sixteen years without seeing him. He was very close with Morrie during college, but afterwards began to only focus on his career and material things and lost touch with Morrie, but after seeing a special on TV about Morrie he finds his old profesor and begins to reconnect with him. Every Tuesday, Mitch flies over to Morrie's home and they talk about a specific topic like family, death and forgiveness. Mitch's values begin to change after he begins to talk with Morrie. As he sees Morrie's body deteriorating , he sees that Morrie's spirit is always there. This was a very touching and inspiring book and I'm very glad I read it!

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