Saturday, April 17, 2010

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I just finished this book and I did like it, but not as much as the Hunger Games, the 1st book in the trilogy. This book dragged on a lot more and more unnecessary things happened. This book continues to follow Katniss and her life. She gets home and what she did at end of the last book is causing uprisings and the president threatens her. She and Peeta go on a trip through all of the other districts and the description of them and what the 2 kids did was very good and din't make me bored, like description usually does. Her very good friend, Gale, doesn't talk to her that much anymore and things with her and Peeta get a lot more serious. But, 2 past victors from each district have to go back to the games. I thought that this was a little stupid and would make the book boring and kind of repetitive, but it was only a third of the book. Peeta and Katniss get a lot more allies in this book and this seems to help them a lot. If I were in Katniss's position, I would have tried to rebel against the Gamemakers and get everybody to get along and not kill each other, but do it secretly , so you wouldn't be killed. They all especially know how horrible the games are, so I would rebel. When I was on the last few pages, I started to get really confused. I read it over a couple of times and was still very confused. The way the author worded things made it confusing. I had to look up the book on the internet in order to understand it. Overall, I liked this book and can't wait for the next(and final) one!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Drought by Debra Di Blasi

This book was interesting. It is a lot more serious then books I usually read. My family friend gave it to me. It is a bunch of little stories about this man and woman's life. Each part is very different from one another and they are all very different lengths. The plot was interesting too. The couple live in a very small town and there is a drought and extreme heat. The man is an alcoholic and the couple fight a lot. The woman wants to leave her husband through most of the book and writes a lot to her brother. the couple both have very bad childhoods. The thing I didn't like about this book is that the author switched topics so quickly and then didn't go back to the original topic for a while, so you were left wondering what had happened for a significant amount of time. Also, at the end of the book, there was a section about another couple, who fight a lot, but don't live in a drought. I liked this section better because there was more stuff happening. There was a lot of description in the other part, which I really don't like. Overall, this book was okay.