Friday, April 2, 2010

Drought by Debra Di Blasi

This book was interesting. It is a lot more serious then books I usually read. My family friend gave it to me. It is a bunch of little stories about this man and woman's life. Each part is very different from one another and they are all very different lengths. The plot was interesting too. The couple live in a very small town and there is a drought and extreme heat. The man is an alcoholic and the couple fight a lot. The woman wants to leave her husband through most of the book and writes a lot to her brother. the couple both have very bad childhoods. The thing I didn't like about this book is that the author switched topics so quickly and then didn't go back to the original topic for a while, so you were left wondering what had happened for a significant amount of time. Also, at the end of the book, there was a section about another couple, who fight a lot, but don't live in a drought. I liked this section better because there was more stuff happening. There was a lot of description in the other part, which I really don't like. Overall, this book was okay.

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