Monday, September 13, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I read this book because I say commercials for the movie, but I wanted to read the book first. It was a pretty good book! There was a quite a bit of rambling, which I really do not like, but there wasn't enough to make the book horrible. The concept of the book is very strange, but I think that is what it made fun to read. It was very unpredictable. I also really liked that you read the time traveler (Henry)'s story right next to a normal woman's story (Clare). It made it more interesting to see how her life was affected by him and the other way around. I also liked all of the science stuff in this book. A scientist puts some of the time traveling DNA in mice, which i found really weird, but really cool because then they time traveled! When I started this book, I was very confused because he is two different ages almost all the time , his age now and his age from when he time traveled. The whole concept of this book was really complex, but that is what had made it such a success and so interesting to read! Overall, I really liked this book!

The Tenth Circle By Jodi Picoult

I started this book because I wanted to try another Jodi Picoult book. I had read My Sister's Keeper and The Pact, and really liked them. This book was about a rebellious girl named Trixie, who claimed that she was raped by her ex boyfriend. Her parents are really loving and will do anything for her. Her father is from Alaska and her mother is having an affair. They have a messed up and strange family! The book rambles on a lot about the dad's life in Alaska and described it a lot, which I really didn't like because I really hate when books rambled on about things that are not that important. The book did that a lot more at then end too. They had a part where Trixie ran away to Alaska (which I really didn't get because her dad said nothing positive about it). They had a part on the parents getting their daughter back, Trixie's whereabouts, and the forensic case that was seeing if Trixie had killed the ex boyfriend (he got pushed off a bridge). I realy only cared about the forensic part because that was the action stuff. The other stuff was slow and boring. Overall, I liked this book, but didn't love it.