Thursday, November 11, 2010

Perfection By Julie Metz

This book was a recommendation from my mother because we have similar taste in books. This book was about a typical American family, the mom, Julie, the husband, Henry, and a young daughter, Liza. One day, Henry just dies. no warning for any of his family or friends. As understandable, Liza and Julie are very upset. But, when Julie's friends are going through Henry's office, they learn that Henry had had several affairs. They knew about one one of them but learned about the others from emails and letters. Julie finds out about this and freaks out, defriending one of her friends who had an affair with Henry and whose daughter was very good friends with Liza. This book had an overall good plot but got very wordy and description-ish, which got very boring! She describes her whole love life, during her relationship with Henry and before, which bored me a lot! The more action-based parts were pretty good, like when she was yelling at her husband's mistresses and learning about the affairs but a lot of it was boring description. Overall, this book was okay.

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