Monday, May 30, 2011

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua

This book was amazing! I loved it! My dad got this for my mom to read and I ended up picking it up because I just wanted to look. I read this book in a day. This book made me really appreciate my mother. My mother never made me forcibly practice clarinet or piano for hours. The most I ever practiced either was one hour at a time. The relationship between Amy and both of her daughters was very interesting too. I thought it was especially interesting how different her relationships were with both of her daughters. She has a pretty good relationship with her oldest daughter, Sophia. Sophia listens to what she says and they work together every nicely. Her other daughter, Lulu, wasn't as cooperative with Amy. The differences between these two girls stood out to me. I also thought it was interesting how her husband did not really do any parenting with either of the girls. I know that they both agreed to the Chinese style of parenting, but the girls and Amy were always screaming at each other and the girls had a very small social life, so I thought that Jed, the dad, would want to intervene. Iwould if there was that much screaming in my house. Overall, I absolutely loved this book!

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