Thursday, September 24, 2009

Speak 2

I am over halfway through this book and I still love it! A new character has been introduced. His name is Andy Evans. Melinda is incredibly uncomfortable around him, but he sweet talks her, making her even more uncomfortable. I think that the night she called the cops something really bad happened between her and Andy. I think he may have taken advantage of Melinda's naiveness. Their relationship reminds me of Amy and Ricky's relationship in the show "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager". Ricky does almost the exact same thing that Andy does and Amy acts equally uncomfortable around Ricky as Melinda does around Andy. Another very interesting event happened in the part I read. Melinda's friend ,Heather,dumps her as a friend. She claims they were never friends just because they never had sleepovers. They were very good friends though. Melinda went to Heather's house several times and also helped her with projects and also supported Heather's modeling. Heather probably doesn't want to be Melinda's friend because Melinda is an outcast and Heather wants to be popular.

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