Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Flowers In The Attic By VC Andrews

This book was very, very good! It was very risque and creepy. One of the main reasons I think I really liked this book was there was a lot of action and not a lot of description. Books with a lot of description are very boring to me and hard to read. The plot of this book was very appealing to me because I like books that are creepy, disturbing, and depressing and this book definitely had all of those qualities. I loved all of the mystery in this book, like the mom's secrets and their family secrets. It made me want to keep reading. I also liked how everything came together in the end. Throughout the book, I had the feeling like I was in the story and that made the book even better. One thing that surprised me about this book is how they didn't end up completely kill each other after 3 years in a room together. I know that if I was locked in a room with my sister for a whole day, not even as long as they were, we would have gotten so irritated with each other by the end of the day. They had a few small disputes, put they were very insignificant and didn't change anything in the story. I also do not understand why after they figured out how to leave the room, they came back and even their rope was not very sturdy, they didn't try to improve over the next year they had. They never even tried. Overall, I really liked this book and want to read the sequels.

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