Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Pact

I have gotten to the 100 page mark of the book and I am continuing to really enjoy it! Jodi Picoult switches from funny flashbacks to the depressing present times. This is perfect for me because I like books and other things like movies and tv shows that are funny but also have serious and depressing parts. This is also a very good format for the books in general because after the sad parts, there is a funny part to cheer you up. I think Jodi Picoult did a great job with this. There are many relationships in this book. Both couples, the parents, usually have great relationships. The story behind Emily and Chris's relationship is really cute. They both really care about each other at every age. They never went through the "cooties" stage. They both deeply care about one another and will do anything for each other. In one scene, they have their first kiss on New Years at midnight. It is really sweet and romantic! In the present parts of the book, Melanie, Emily's mom, will not speak to her best friend of 17 years and neighbor, Gus, Chris's mom. The police think that Chris killed Emily because he was seen next to her body and next to the gun. Everyone knows this is not true, but Melanie still won't talk to Gus because she doesn't want to believe that her daughter was suicidal. She knows that Chris would never do anything to hurt Emily, but she just doesn't want to believe the truth.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing that you're able to say that you like books that are both funny and emotional at the same time. That should guide you as a reader in the future. It may make it easier to find books...Also, I wonder if this is always the case, or maybe there are times when you just want a serious book or maybe just a funny one...I guess we'll see...Finally, why the title? What is the "Pact"?
