Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Pact

This book is still amazing! I have about 100 pages to go and am very excited to find out what happens in the end! Throughout the part I read, Gus and Michael begin to talk a lot about what has happened in their lives. They both really need to talk about Emily's death and Chris's jail experiences, but their spouses refuse to talk about what has happened. James is acting like nothing happened because that is how he was raised: in a bad situation, pretend like it never happened. Melanie is trying to keep her daughter's death off her mind as much as possible and refuses to talk about it. This is very understandable, but how can you keep something this important and upsetting to yourself for so long? Melanie also does not want to believe that her daughter was suicidal, so she assumes that Chris killed her. She treated him like a son before Emily's death and really cares about him. She is taking her anger out on Gus. She refuses to even speak to Gus because she "thinks" that Chris killed her daughter. Additionally, we learn that Chris never even knew that Emily was pregnant and Chris's lawyer, Jordan, is using this as one of the main defenses. This would most likely be the only reason Chris would actually kill Emily: he wouldn't want her to have the baby and then would have killed her, but he didn't even know. Jordan's investigator, Selena, also goes to Emily's school to talk to Emily's art teacher, Emily was a great artist, about Emily. She sees a painting of skulls, red and black that is labeled "Self portrait". This is a very good sign that Emily was suicidal and did kill herself that night and Chris didn't. He loved her more then anything and said he would have married her if she would have had the baby. Emily knew that he would do this (she wrote it in her journal), so that might have been the reason she killed herself.

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