Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon

I loved this book! I got this book from a program I am doing with my temple and started to read it because it was just over the number of pages I needed to finish my independent reading (It was 220 and I needed 150). This book is about a young man who has a mental disorder. He is really good at math and science, but does not like being touched and doesn't understand people very well. He frustrates his parents because he only likes to do things a very specific way. The main character's name is Christopher. He lives with his father because his father told him his mother was dead, when she really wasn't, which was absolutely horrible! But because of his disorder, Christopher was not angry about this. The original goal of this book was for Christopher to find out who killed the dog who lived next door. Christopher is very determined to find out who did it and it ends being his father. He gets really scared of his father and runs away. This book gave me a new perception on different people and that they are basically normal but they think about things differently then we do. This book reminded me of the movie Rainman because the main character of Rainman and christopher were very similar. Overall, I loved this book and would recommend this book to anyone.

Perfection By Julie Metz

This book was a recommendation from my mother because we have similar taste in books. This book was about a typical American family, the mom, Julie, the husband, Henry, and a young daughter, Liza. One day, Henry just dies. no warning for any of his family or friends. As understandable, Liza and Julie are very upset. But, when Julie's friends are going through Henry's office, they learn that Henry had had several affairs. They knew about one one of them but learned about the others from emails and letters. Julie finds out about this and freaks out, defriending one of her friends who had an affair with Henry and whose daughter was very good friends with Liza. This book had an overall good plot but got very wordy and description-ish, which got very boring! She describes her whole love life, during her relationship with Henry and before, which bored me a lot! The more action-based parts were pretty good, like when she was yelling at her husband's mistresses and learning about the affairs but a lot of it was boring description. Overall, this book was okay.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

This was the final book in the Hunger Games trilogy. I absolutely loved the first one, thought the second one was okay, and also the third one was okay. For the last two, it seemed like things were just being done to be done, not really a purpose. A lot of violence and other things happened in this book. I think the series should have stopped after one book because the other two did not live up to the first one at all. At times, it was pretty easy to read, I didn't want to put it down, but the majority of this book was not like that. One part I was very confused with was when the new President (the old, mean one) was arrested, the old victors were deciding if they should have another hunger games with the children of the main, evil city , the Capitol. Some of the old winners agreed to do it! I completely do not understand why they would ever do it! Why would they want to put children through the horrors they went through?! Even the main character, Katniss, agreed to it even though she said all the time how horrible it was and how much negativity and problems it put into her life! I was soo confused!! Overall, this book was just okay. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

I read this book because I say commercials for the movie, but I wanted to read the book first. It was a pretty good book! There was a quite a bit of rambling, which I really do not like, but there wasn't enough to make the book horrible. The concept of the book is very strange, but I think that is what it made fun to read. It was very unpredictable. I also really liked that you read the time traveler (Henry)'s story right next to a normal woman's story (Clare). It made it more interesting to see how her life was affected by him and the other way around. I also liked all of the science stuff in this book. A scientist puts some of the time traveling DNA in mice, which i found really weird, but really cool because then they time traveled! When I started this book, I was very confused because he is two different ages almost all the time , his age now and his age from when he time traveled. The whole concept of this book was really complex, but that is what had made it such a success and so interesting to read! Overall, I really liked this book!

The Tenth Circle By Jodi Picoult

I started this book because I wanted to try another Jodi Picoult book. I had read My Sister's Keeper and The Pact, and really liked them. This book was about a rebellious girl named Trixie, who claimed that she was raped by her ex boyfriend. Her parents are really loving and will do anything for her. Her father is from Alaska and her mother is having an affair. They have a messed up and strange family! The book rambles on a lot about the dad's life in Alaska and described it a lot, which I really didn't like because I really hate when books rambled on about things that are not that important. The book did that a lot more at then end too. They had a part where Trixie ran away to Alaska (which I really didn't get because her dad said nothing positive about it). They had a part on the parents getting their daughter back, Trixie's whereabouts, and the forensic case that was seeing if Trixie had killed the ex boyfriend (he got pushed off a bridge). I realy only cared about the forensic part because that was the action stuff. The other stuff was slow and boring. Overall, I liked this book, but didn't love it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

This book was amazing!!! Once I started it , I couldn't wait to keep reading which I read it in less than a week! This book was about a depressed man, who after trying to kill himself, goes home and sees and feels his dead mother. I found this really weird! I still didn't get how he really felt her and some of her clients. His mom said that if you really needed or wanted people, you would be able to see them, but I still don't get how he felt his mom and how she made him a real breakfast. He wasn't dead, so that isn't it. This book was realistic fiction and I think i liked it so much because it was very relatable to some situations I have been in and things I have seen on TV. His parents are a typical couple for parts of the book and argue a lot, which eventually leads them to a divorce, along with the dad's affair. The main character's name is Charley. Charley's dad is a very cold man who only cares about his son's career in his baseball, ignoring him for most of his life until something baseball related came up, then he started to care about his son. He doesn't even act proud of his son when he does great things. I really didn't like him. He was too cold. His mom was very nice and caring! I liked her! This book makes you think about your priorities like family or career. I was very grateful for what I have after reading this book. I loved it!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Murder on Gramercy Park by Victoria Thompson

This is the second book by this author I have read by this author and I liked it a lot. I started another book by this author earlier this quarter but couldn't get into it, which is why I have finished a book in a while. I liked this book a lot. It was a murder mystery about a special healing doctor who was murdered. Because I read another book by this author and watch Desperate Housewives, I pretty much knew who committed the murder in the first couple of pages. By the end of the book, there were two murders and one attempted murder. I had a guess of who did all three of these things right after they happened. This book, you can tell, takes place in a very different time period, probably the 1920s. They have carriages and opium dens and lots of butlers and maids. Also, the wife of the doctor is addicted to morphine, which does not really happen anymore. People get addicted to different drugs now like nicotine and heroin. these probably didn't exist in this time period. The plot of the book became really messed up at times with everything getting tangled together. Like the other book, at the end , the author explains everything and everyone gets tangled together.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I just finished this book and I did like it, but not as much as the Hunger Games, the 1st book in the trilogy. This book dragged on a lot more and more unnecessary things happened. This book continues to follow Katniss and her life. She gets home and what she did at end of the last book is causing uprisings and the president threatens her. She and Peeta go on a trip through all of the other districts and the description of them and what the 2 kids did was very good and din't make me bored, like description usually does. Her very good friend, Gale, doesn't talk to her that much anymore and things with her and Peeta get a lot more serious. But, 2 past victors from each district have to go back to the games. I thought that this was a little stupid and would make the book boring and kind of repetitive, but it was only a third of the book. Peeta and Katniss get a lot more allies in this book and this seems to help them a lot. If I were in Katniss's position, I would have tried to rebel against the Gamemakers and get everybody to get along and not kill each other, but do it secretly , so you wouldn't be killed. They all especially know how horrible the games are, so I would rebel. When I was on the last few pages, I started to get really confused. I read it over a couple of times and was still very confused. The way the author worded things made it confusing. I had to look up the book on the internet in order to understand it. Overall, I liked this book and can't wait for the next(and final) one!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Drought by Debra Di Blasi

This book was interesting. It is a lot more serious then books I usually read. My family friend gave it to me. It is a bunch of little stories about this man and woman's life. Each part is very different from one another and they are all very different lengths. The plot was interesting too. The couple live in a very small town and there is a drought and extreme heat. The man is an alcoholic and the couple fight a lot. The woman wants to leave her husband through most of the book and writes a lot to her brother. the couple both have very bad childhoods. The thing I didn't like about this book is that the author switched topics so quickly and then didn't go back to the original topic for a while, so you were left wondering what had happened for a significant amount of time. Also, at the end of the book, there was a section about another couple, who fight a lot, but don't live in a drought. I liked this section better because there was more stuff happening. There was a lot of description in the other part, which I really don't like. Overall, this book was okay.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I absolutely loved this book!!!! It was amazing!!! I only started reading it because my mom got it from work(she works at Scholastic). This book is completely different from books I usually read. It was really violent. I hate reading and watching this about blood and wounds and this book talked about those. It also had very strange names. The main character's name is Katniss Everdeen and she lives in a generally poor place called District 12 with her mom and sister. Every year there is an event called the Hunger Games. Two people, boy and girl, from all 12 districts in Panem, get trained a little and then put it an arena to fight to the death and the last one standing wins. If I knew this was true I don't think I would have read this book, but I did and finished the majority of it in a day because everything after when the games start is a climax to me and I had to keep reading! The people who will kill each other are called tributes. They are treated very, very well before they go in the arena. I think that the reason I liked this book so much was because of the author's style of writing. She makes most of it seem like a cliffhanger. The plot of this book is sooooo messed up (all of the tributes are between the ages of 12 and 18) and if I really knew what it was I don't think I would've read it. I think the genre of this book is science fiction because they have all of this really fancy medicine and they turned all of the dead tributes into dogs at then end of the book. After the games is over, Katniss and her partner, Peeta, (they kind of rebelled the Games and almost both died, so they let them both live) had a lot of injuries, but once they had a certain medicine they were perfect once again. I loved this book and can't wait to read the sequel!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn

I got this book as a gift and started it only because it was about the Titanic and I love the movie! It is my favorite! This book was really, really weird. It was about five sisters who live in a town with their mother. Everybody in their town is either psychic or can talk to ghosts. One of the sisters doesn't talk. all of the ghost stuff is really freaky and unrealistic. The mom is the one in he family who talks to ghosts. Originally, only two of the sisters are supposed to go on the Titanic but then the other three go on the ship to tell them to get off the ship because someone had a vision end up staying on the boat. At least try to get off and save yourselves! Also, two of the sisters, who are twins, are named Amelie and Emma. Sometimes when Emma dreams, Amelie, who doesn't talk, does whatever the dream says and then they both pass out or something. I found this really weird. The narrator and one of the sisters, Jane, becomes friends with a crazy scientist, Tesla, and very good friends with his assistant, Thad (weird name). When the boat sinks, Tesla uses one of his inventions to transport everyone through time. He sends most of the people two hours into the future, but sends Jane's older sister, Mimi and Thad two years into the future. Jane found them later and was happy. It was just strange and sort of stupid. Also, Amelie survived and Emma died, but Emma's soul and voice were in Amelie. Overall, this book was kind of freaky and slightly stupid, but I still liked it! I think I liked it because the way the author wrote it made it go quickly and smoothly.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Murder on Astor Place By Victoria Thompson

This book was amazing!!!! I loved it!!! This is the first mystery book I have read in a while, and I am very glad I read it!! The main reason I loved it so much is because all of the pieces of everything came together, like math. All of the clues added up into the final solution. Additionally, I loved the plot of the story. A young girl who lives at a boarding house is murdered. A detective and a midwife are trying to solve her murder. When I first picked up this book, I just thought it would be a simple murder mystery. They try to find the killer by looking at clues and stuff like that. It was nothing like that at all. The midwife recognized the girl as the sister of an old friend the night before the murder and that is how she got involved. The girl was actually very rich and had run away from a country home her father had sent her to. The detective and midwife question all of the servants and her groom (horse person) and family. In the middle of the book, you find out her father was setting up a marriage between the girl, Alicia, and a sixty year old lawyer. I found that absolutely repulsive and so did the midwife, Sarah. I also learned, toward the end of the book, that Alicia's father, Mr. VanDamm, had had a sexual relationship with his eldest daughter, Mina, and then Mina had Alicia. He also had a sexual relationship with Alicia, who had been pregnant at the time of her death. Sarah and the detective are trying to find the killer and the father of Alicia's baby during the whole book. They found in the second to last chapter. This book takes place in around 1900 and I got to learn the massive cultural difference from then and now. They have servants and butlers and maids and the marriage and sex ideas are very different from now. I think it is disgusting and so do most people now, but the culture was different back then and this may have not been as repulsive as it is now. The poor were not well respected at all. Sarah's mother is very wealthy and her maid gives Sarah a look when she wants to visit her mother because of her clothing. Overall, I loved this book and hope to read more from this author in the near future.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Memory Keeper's Daughter By Kim Edwards

I just finished this book and it was pretty good! The plot was very interesting and kind of weird. David Henry gave his baby girl with down syndrome to a nurse to take the baby to an institution. The nurse, Caroline, ended up raising the baby as her own. David didn't tell his wife about giving the baby up, he told her she died. I have no idea what David thought this would solve. He should have told his wife from the beginning. Throughout the book, you see the girl, Phoebe, growing up the nurse and Phoebe's twin, Paul, growing with David and his wife, Norah. The book gets boring at several points because the author just seems to ramble and say stuff that doesn't seem to matter. Both children grow up not knowing the other is alive, but Caroline and David send each other letters to communicate: Caroline tells him about Phoebe and he sends her money to help with Phoebe. The title is what is because this talks a lot about photography and David's camera is called the memory keeper. A lot of learning takes place based on photographs. David is also a photographer. Reading this book, I also get to learn about how mental diseases are treated during the 1960s. Caroline finds it very hard to get Phoebe into school and doesn't have that much faith in her. She is very scared about Phoebe leaving their home, which every parent is, but especially scared because of her down syndrome. I think she should give Phoebe more freedom and trust that she raised her the right way. Paul is also very good because he really wants to help Phoebe and learn about her and take care of her. You also see the lack of trust in David and Paul's relationship because David doesn't rust Paul's musical talent to get him through life, but Paul still pursues music and has a great life. The lack of trust and fighting over Paul's future destroys their relationship. Some parts of this book were very easy to get through and exciting, but a lot of it was boring, but I still am glad I read the book