Thursday, January 13, 2011

Go Ask Alice

This book was amazing! It was a really quick read which I think is one of the main reasons I liked it. It was also in diary form, which I really liked because it makes it seem like the writer is talking directly to the reader. Also, since it was a real diary, it more legitimate then other diary books because it is real. That is the reason I like non fiction books. I like books of this topic too because, as I have said in previous blog entries, I like really depressing books! I felt so bad for the girl in the book because all she was doing was really just navigating around the difficult of adolescence but she just made a couple of wrong turns. When she started to live on her own, I began to reflect on my life and could not imagine getting an apartment, a job and later starting a little business at like seventeen. I know that I would never be able to do that. I liked this book how she never really disrespected her parents. In shows and other books I have read, when the teenager runs away, they act like they are so much better then their parents and ignore them. But the girl in this book never did that. She missed her parents frequently, which I liked because it makes it more realistic because shows and movies and some books make everything more dramatic and unrealistic. Overall, I loved this book and would recommend it to everybody!

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