Monday, May 30, 2011

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua

This book was amazing! I loved it! My dad got this for my mom to read and I ended up picking it up because I just wanted to look. I read this book in a day. This book made me really appreciate my mother. My mother never made me forcibly practice clarinet or piano for hours. The most I ever practiced either was one hour at a time. The relationship between Amy and both of her daughters was very interesting too. I thought it was especially interesting how different her relationships were with both of her daughters. She has a pretty good relationship with her oldest daughter, Sophia. Sophia listens to what she says and they work together every nicely. Her other daughter, Lulu, wasn't as cooperative with Amy. The differences between these two girls stood out to me. I also thought it was interesting how her husband did not really do any parenting with either of the girls. I know that they both agreed to the Chinese style of parenting, but the girls and Amy were always screaming at each other and the girls had a very small social life, so I thought that Jed, the dad, would want to intervene. Iwould if there was that much screaming in my house. Overall, I absolutely loved this book!

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Reading this book was an interesting experience. I got this book last year when it was on sale at Barnes and Nobles because I thought I needed a classic for English. I picked this particular book out because my favorite actress, Kate Winslet, is in the movie. Overall, I did not enjoy reading this book. Although it had an interesting plot and characters, the Old English writing style made it very difficult for me to focus while reading. The only way I could successfully read this was if I had nothing else in my mind, which was a problem because I have songs stuck in my head constantly. I also felt like there were a lot of things that could have been said in 5 sentences, but took a page to explain. I really do not like books that drag on, so this was not very good for me. The parts of this book I liked were the plot and the characters. The plot was interesting and I liked it. The characters were relatable and I liked how close Marianne and Elinor were. They cared deeply about each other and helped each other through their respective difficult situations. Overall, I did not like this book, but am very proud of myself for getting through it.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

I really liked this book! One of my favorite things about this book was the way it was told. It was told in a journal format that made the reader-writer connection a lot better for me. The way it was told and the plot of this book reminded me of the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon. I loved that book and loved Flowers for Algernon because they were so similar. One of things in this book that made it so interesting was the transformation of the main character, Charlie. His journey from having an IQ of 60 to being smarter then some of the smartest doctors in the world made this book incredibly intriguing. I loved that you could clearly see his transformation through the spelling and grammar of his progress reports. Besides a intellectual transformation, Charlie went through a behavioral and emotional transformation as the book progressed. In the beginning, he was a very vulnerable, naive person but he was very happy and loving. In the middle, when he was extremely intelligent, he was very conceited but was a lot more independent and confident and at the end, he was depressed and lonely. All of the transformations in this book made it very interesting and overall I really liked this book.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Flowers In The Attic By VC Andrews

This book was very, very good! It was very risque and creepy. One of the main reasons I think I really liked this book was there was a lot of action and not a lot of description. Books with a lot of description are very boring to me and hard to read. The plot of this book was very appealing to me because I like books that are creepy, disturbing, and depressing and this book definitely had all of those qualities. I loved all of the mystery in this book, like the mom's secrets and their family secrets. It made me want to keep reading. I also liked how everything came together in the end. Throughout the book, I had the feeling like I was in the story and that made the book even better. One thing that surprised me about this book is how they didn't end up completely kill each other after 3 years in a room together. I know that if I was locked in a room with my sister for a whole day, not even as long as they were, we would have gotten so irritated with each other by the end of the day. They had a few small disputes, put they were very insignificant and didn't change anything in the story. I also do not understand why after they figured out how to leave the room, they came back and even their rope was not very sturdy, they didn't try to improve over the next year they had. They never even tried. Overall, I really liked this book and want to read the sequels.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Help By Kathryn Stockett

I really liked this book! I liked how there were three different narrators with very different opinions and approach to the same situation. I also liked that all of the stories were connected, even it was slightly confusing at times. That aspect of the book reminded of My Sister's Keeper By Jodi Picoult. That was one of my favorite parts of that book as well. The time period of this book was also interesting. It takes place in the 1960s right around when JFK was assassinated. I got to read about the difficulties Africans Americans faced during this time period from the perspective of two African Americans, Aibleen and her best friend ,Minny, and a white woman, Miss Skeeter. Each of the three women have very different ideas about the current social state of their home, Jackson, Mississippi. They all agree that it the way the help and other African Americans are treated is bad, but they approach it differently. I really liked how similar, yet different the women were. It made reading the book a lot more exciting because each section was very different. It was also different because each of the women's lives was different from the others. Overall, I really liked this book, but one thing I was very disappointed with was the ending. it ended so fast, I had to reread it a couple of times to understand how it ended.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Northern Light By Jennifer Donnelly

This book was very, very good! I received this as a gift from my aunt, who was an english teacher. This book takes place in 1906 in a rural area. The main character, Mattie, lives with her dad and three sisters and wants to go to college, but doesn't have much money. That is the base of the entire plot. I really liked the time period it took place in because it made the book so much more interesting. I saw all of the differences between their society and ours, which was quite entertaining. One of the differences that I really enjoyed reading was the difference in prices. A composition book was 45 cents and when Mattie had 60 cents leftover that she didn't give her dad, it was a huge deal. I thought it was funny. Also, at this time, cars were just invented and very, very few people in their town had one. Everybody rides their horse or donkey. Mattie was amazed and scared to get into her teacher's car, which was also funny too. I also noticed some similarities. Mattie is like girls in many shows, movies and books today. She is stuck in a life she is not very fond of and wants to do something great. Also, she is a girl in a not very education-promoting family and wants to do something educational with her life and future. I liked how I could compare her to characters I know in today's society. Overall, this book was very good and I am looking forward to reading the other books I got by this author.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Wrinkle In Time By Madeline L'Engle

This book was very different from the books I usually read. My dad has been telling me to read this for a while so I finally did. I liked this book, but I didn't love it. I think I didn't love it because it was too fantasy for my taste. There were very, very few if any things that were realistic and I very, very much prefer realistic books. This book was about 3 kids, 2 who are siblings and looking for their father, and their freind who comes along for the jorney. The two siblings are Meg, who is like 13 and doesn't do well in school because she knows lots of shortcuts and doesn't show work, and Chales Wallace, who is like 4 and very, very smart for his age. The boy who goes along with them is name is Calvin and is dating Meg. I didn't really get their relationship because they started dating and holding hands and everything after like the first time they met, which I thought was strange. They meet three women who say that they can take them to find the father and "wrinkle through time" and go to another planet and find the dad. All of the "wrinkling through time" or "tessering" as they call it happened very fast and confused me very much.